Are you feeling hopeless?

We know how hard it can be to feel like there is no hope. You may have lost your job, gone through a divorce, or struggled with addiction and the world feels like it’s crashing down around you. But we want to remind you that God loves you and has not forgotten about you. He wants to restore your hope in Him today!
If this sounds familiar, then we want to encourage you by reminding you of all the ways God has shown His love for us throughout history. It starts with creation itself – when God created everything from nothing (Genesis 1). And even though sin entered into our world and caused separation between us and God, Jesus came as a man so that He could die on the cross for our sins (John 3). Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we are given new life in Christ (Romans 6) – which means we can live free from fear because we know that if anything happens to us here on earth, one day we will be together with Him forever in Heaven (Revelation 21). So take heart knowing that no matter what happens today or tomorrow, there is always hope because of what Jesus did for us!
No matter what you’ve gone through, are going through, or will go through - you can have hope that things will work out for the better. When we put our hope in the everlasting supernatural, we will always keep that hope because He never abandons or forsakes us.
Just leave a comment below so I can send more information about how you can find restoration through your faith in Christ!
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