The one thing you need to do in the new year

Have you ever felt like your resolutions just never seem to work out?

That's because they are too broad. You need a past year review (PYR) that goes beyond a list of nebulous goals and dreams. 

I've found that PYRs are more accurate than broad resolutions. They provide the information you need to make an educated decision instead of just guessing what is best for you. This means you can take the time to assess your experiences over the past year, identify the people and things that are best for you, and make a plan to get more of them in your upcoming year while getting away from people and experiences that were negative.

I picked up this practice a few years ago from one of my trusted virtual mentors, Tim Ferriss. He’s done a fantastic job explaining this simple and effective process that should take you only about 30 minutes to complete.

Click here to learn Tims exact PYR process and get to work on doing your own PYR to transform your plans for 2022! 

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